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AOC Pounces on Facebook Blackout: ‘Break Them Up’
AOC Pounces on Facebook Blackout: ‘Break Them Up’
Politics updated 2 years ago

AOC Pounces on Facebook Blackout: ‘Break Them Up’

While the internet has spent the day gleefully lambasting the fact that Facebook and its other properties are currently down, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has highlighted a darker side to the blackout:

New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 2020 Democratic National Convention/YouTube


The Who

Ocasio-Cortez was retweeting Forbes editor José Caparroso, who on Monday wrote: “Latin America lives on WhatsApp. 

  1. Who is Ocasio-Cortez and what is her role in politics
  2. Who did she defeat in
  3. When did he assume office New York's 14th congressional district on June 26, 2018.
  4. What  University did she graduate from
  5. What is the Federal Trade Comission and what i their role in our modern society

The What


“It’s almost as if Facebook’s monopolistic mission to either own, copy, or destroy any competing platform has incredibly destructive effects on free society and democracy".

AOC added to the sentiment, writing: “It’s almost as if Facebook’s monopolistic mission to either own, copy, or destroy any competing platform has incredibly destructive effects on free society and democracy.

  1. What are her current opinion based issues against facebook with regards to their goals and intentions
  2. Do you agree with such a statement? Why? Why not?
  3. What are some of the other messaging app she mentions that should be just as competitve as facebook

The Apex Building, headquarters of the Federal Trade Commission, on Constitution Avenue and 7th Streets in Washington, D.C.


The When

The tech giant faces an antitrust lawsuit filed by the Federal Trade Commission. The tech conglomerate filed a motion to dismiss the suit, saying that there is no evidence that the company has violated any antitrust laws.

  1. When was the Lawsuit Filed
  2. Until when does the Judge have to respond to the Anti Trust lawsuit
  3. Based on your research, how should the Judge rule? Did facebook violate any ant-trust laws?

What caused the Facebook outage and how it affected global users, businesses


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