It's all about consumer education

The way it works
Welcome to modern day America. A place where the current annual inflation rate is around 2.5 percent, income inequality according to the consensus Bureau has reached its highest in fifty years, increasing from 48.2 in 2017 to 48.5 in 2018 plus an upcoming election. What hasn’t changed is everyone’s need for a little extra cash. Whether you’re a student in college, a high schooler saving for college or anyone who has an interest in writing should consider blogging. Whether it’s part-time, full time or self employed. There seems to be a market out there and in this article we will explore a variety of markets and strategies that you should be aware of.
A very common method used within the industry of bloggers is placing ads on their website. A variety of networks are readily available to achieve this. Avenues such as Google ad sense, Chitika, Info links, and etc. Taking this route doesn’t bloggers to be in direct contact with advertisers. The only requirement is to simply place their banners on your site, the advertising agency such as Google, chooses ads relevant to your content, and your viewers click on the ads.
Bloggers can also step up to the plate and sell private ads. It can occur in two instances. Your website may have generated so much traffic, that advertisers are interested in you. This tactic requires a consistency in writing along with lots of promotion. Your private ad can come in a variety of formats such as banners, buttons, links and sponsored posts. A sponsored post is where you write or review an advertiser’s product or service. Other options include underwritten posts or series, where you can write about any topic, but the advertiser pays for a “Brought to you by” mention in their content. Affiliate marketing is another strategy you want to add to your marketing portfolio. The way it works is let’s say an advertiser has a product and/or service offered to the general public. You would negotiate a commission on each sale in the event the buyer is coming from your site. The advertising authority should give you a unique link that tracks your affiliate code. This tracks the source of the sale which would be your website. The most common form of affiliate links are banner ads, where a reader can click on your unique link and make a purchase.
The Blac & Bleu Book

Create your free account
The Blac & Bleu Book is the official Production Magazine of Batal Productions and is designed to educate the consumer and create an awareness of the opportunities and interest available right within their community. The next step is to connect the average everyday consumer, with the appropriate participating Service Provider from within their local communty. The Blac & Bleu Book is available online for public viewing. Subscribers can register their account and choose the appropriate package, however only verified subscribers of our business network will receive a monthly/quarterly forty page hardcopy version with featured content, education and gaming supportive materials and discount pricing from our participating service providers.
Become a Service Provider and get your business listed in our Production Magazine and start connecting with consumers in your local community. Give yourself the opportunity to improve brand awareness, create and maintain a referral system and most importantly grow your clientele. Becoming a Service Provider requires a one time set up fee plus a monthly suibscription fee charged annually. The one-time non refundable set up fee covers your custom designed landing page set up fully equipped with a variety of audio and media players, a contact form, social media links and links to your official website. Our monthly subscription fee charged annually ensures your business will be listed both online and our harcopy version annually. All verified susbcribers and participating service providers on our business network will be indicated by a verfied check sign on their business networking profile pages.
Consider Private Ads

Having a niche market helps
If you already have a niche market, consider adding another stream or source of income through the sale of digital products. Examples of potential products include
- eBooks
- Online courses/workshops
- Images, video, or music people can use in their own content
- Apps, plugins, or themes
Overall, you can consider blogging to be more of a content marketing tool over anything else. Treat it as a Content Marketing Tool for Your Business. It also builds credibility in the event your material gain favorable popularity in a particular industry where you may now be recognized as an important figure.
One strategy we do use as a company is membership sales. Our goal as a production magazine is to connect consumers with business owners within their local community through our production magazine, The Blac & Bleu Book.
Create your account and start blogging with us today. It's free with the option to go premium
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Monetize you writing
— L.ord C.eo (@BATAL_P) March 8, 2020