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The Seven Positives Of The Covid-19 Virus
The Seven Positives Of The Covid-19 Virus
Health updated 3 years ago

The Seven Positives Of The Covid-19 Virus

The Covid 19 or corona virus currently has society at a standstill. It is something most of us has never experience at all.

1. Find the determining factor


Now the question is what defined the bad. We can easily agree that it was defined by good. How do we know, it felt good to go outside, go to work and earn a wage, or just simply experience nature itself. Another great example would be a celebrity that’s currently incarcerated. This celebrity knew that it was bad for him as a human being to be incarcerated for forty plus years. It was clearly defined. He didn’t have to experience it to make that determination. Just a descriptive verbal or written statement was enough. Now the determining factor can be closely associated with good, meaning the good defined the bad. Even though he has no idea what being incarcerated for forty plus years would feel like, he knows it’s bad because he clearly understands what not being incarcerated for forty plus would feel like.

He also knows what it feels like to achieve the level of success he achieved within the music industry through music sales, shows, and collaborations. This also feeds his spiritual aspect with a good feeling. The feeling is so good that he plan on continuing his career within the music industry upon release. He can explain to us how it feels to be in his shoes but we won’t truly understand until we experience what he experience, when compared to a judge issuing a criminal sentence. Most of us don’t have to experience it to know it’s a bad thing or give us bad feelings.

3. Isolation


Since the Covid-19 is definitely a bad thing the determining factor would be the good. This would be closely associated with the good feeling we experienced, prior to the pandemic. Taking all the above mentioned factors into consideration I did a little brain storming and came up with seven positive or good effects the Covid - 19 virus has had on us as a society. Upon reading this I would like for my viewers to share and participate in our discussion forum and post seven good things the Covid-19 virus has done for you or society as a whole. Since good is standalone energy and defines bad, there has to be a silver lining somewhere within this pandemic that we probably won’t realize until it is all over.

Isolation creates innovation. A lot of good ideas derive from unfortunate circumstances, accidents or just a moment of silence. If you have a high problem solving aptitude and never had the opportunity to use it outside of your work place, now may be the time to tap into that workplace super power and apply it to your unique circumstance or society as a whole. Be honest with yourself and list a few things that you would define as problems and what it will take to fix it. This type of brainstorming can lead to new inventions, products and/or services.

5. Reach out and touch someone


Disasters always seem to bring us together. Whether as a nation towards other nations in a coalition effort to tackle global issues, Currently there is an international effort designed to fund the research, prevention and spread of the corona virus. Democrat or Republican settling their differences in a timely manner to provide a service to the public or putting petty issues to the side, Currently the United States has authorized the use of a US Naval hospitality vessel for use to assist the New York City in the accomodation and care of infected patients. Reaching out to that person that you know deep down inside you really care about isn't a bad idea. Even if currently you aren't  on speaking terms. Be sure to reach out and make sure they are doing okay. You may be able to potentially rekindle an old flame, also there is an old saying, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

7. Host an online garage sale


Maybe it’s time for out with the old and in with the new. Take a look around the house and if you have the financial capacity consider some household decorating. It can be as simple as moving the couch from one corner to the next. What this can potentially do is make you realize how many things you have that you don’t value. In the event this happens it may be time to start cashing in. Consider posting these items via social media. Our business network has an online marketplace with a variety of categories. Create an account . It's free to register  with premium option available. Creating a face book store may be another good option along with joining and posting to groups.

9. Maybe it's time for a career change


Dont get me wrong. You are the perfect employee. Everybody likes you, you show up for time at work, work weekends with no complaints and you haven't called out or taken vacation just yet and it's already almost mid way through the year. Now there is something about this emplyment opportunity that doesn't make you feel complete may be it's the pay or the hours, benefits or maybe you feel like doing something different. With talks in our government about offering finanacial support to needy Americans to get them through this along with suspended interest rates, now may not be a bad time to polish up that resume, spring clean your social media profiles, get online and start that job search. Reflect on your current performance, strenghts, weaknesses and lifestyle you want to sustain. If you're an employer and would like to post an available position right on our business network create an account, update your profile and post. It's free.  Upgrade at anytime.

11. Maybe it's time to change quadrants


Everyone has a hobby. Something they wont mind doing for free. It can be cooking, pottery, sewing, crochet, anything you can think of with no limitations.doing. Put yourself in isolation and think, How can what I like doing satisfy a need, benefit society and can be monetized. Once you figure it all out, you've just entered the stadium of self emplyment on your life long journey to get out of the rat race, or the living paycheck to paycheck or even the keeping up with the Jones. Next think about the lifestyle you would like to live meaning, the house you want, the type of car you want to drive, how often you would like to take vacation. Once you get past this phase you should congratulate yourself, for having brainstormed your very first executive summary for the business plan you are about to create to either receive funding or make sure you dont spend too much or too little on the new innovative product and/or service you are about to unleash into the trillion dollar online industry. Even though you may not need the entire industry's worth, you should at lease aim for sizeable amount to sustain the lifestyle you are currently goaled with.

13. Manufacturing may come home


As a nation, in the past we've all blamed China for it's contribution to our economic woes by lowering their environmental standards and creating a niche for big corporations to greatly reduce their expenses with regards to manufacturing a new product. There is a lot of information circulating the internet implying that the covid-19 virus began with the consumption of bush meat such as Bats, Snakes, Tigers, etc, by Chinese citizens. If these bits and pieces of information is factual, then I believe that their global standing will be significantly reduced, the international community will along with big corporations weigh in on their financial losses and become more proactive in either their own manufacturing or outsource somewhere else, to ensure their citizens and manufacturing sectors are using and producing high quality safe products. Based on my personal global analysis, india may be setting itself up to be the new millenial China. What's your thoughts? Can you think of seven ways the current pandemic has benefitted us as a society? Join our discussion forum


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